The last agency you will ever need.

We give car dealerships their power back. 

We help your team manage, improve your sales process, create your own marketing content, handle your own leads, and optimize performance to get exactly what you want.

A Completely New Take On Traditional Problems

"Over the last few years, we've helped dozens of car dealerships scale their marketing campaigns. My experience as an in-house marketer, a salesperson, a sales manager, and finance manager has helped us manage ad campaigns for over fifty dealerships.

As we are running your ad campaigns, we personally train you and your team to help bring these digital processes in-house so that you can remove reliance on sales trainers and lead providers. We help train the sales team so they can close more deals and we train a videographer to create your ad campaigns themselves and flood your dealership with interested leads.

We want you to understand how digital works and take your power back so that you can get the results you deserve.

You may not be able to transition overnight, but within six months you will no longer need another agency or lead provider.
Ryan Hartigan,

Taking control over content creation leads to better results than relying on someone else to do it.
We have the results to show that.

At the Infiniti Accelerator program in Toronto
"He looks for ways to achieve desired results in a cost effective manner, he educates and empowers his clients, and offers long-term solutions so you're not dependent on him forever. Do yourself a favour - grab this guy! He knows his business inside and out!"

- Kim MacPherson, Buy It Smart
Actual Google Ads results*
"With his ability to think outside the box and his genuine passion for helping his clients, he is poised to be a leader in the automotive industry for years to come. If you haven't been following his journey, I suggest you catch up."

- Alex Strum, Internet Sales Specialist

We teach dealers a new mental paradigm.

Taking back control is the way to actually scale your dealership.

When you have an open conversation and share the right information in your marketing campaigns... people will flood your dealership to buy from you.

It may require changes. Big changes. It doesn't happen overnight. But the most profitable dealerships are making the shift: the industry is changing and this is the change that we are required to make.

This is the only way you can shift out of the chaos and have truly transparent processes at the dealership that can operate without needing a sales trainer or lead provider.

We have to adjust to the facts. The truth is that agencies and lead providers are there to maximize profit made from the dealership. If we refuse to internalize these processes then our marketing campaigns will suffer. Employees will burn out. Customers will stop buying from us, and then our dealership cannot be helped.

The dealerships that don't evolve will be wiped out.

They are now competing with the golden dealership.

Introducing the Illumination Method:
"Building a Golden Dealership"

Remove Dealership Chaos

Set up transparent and standard processes so your team always does what they're supposed to be doing.

Culture Keeps Growing

Instilling the right culture empowers every single employee to improve their own performance. Everyone looks to increase the dealership revenue.

The Marketing "Edge"

Hiring an in-house content creator forces transparency at the dealership and pushes you into the golden light of success.

The Power of Alignment

Our alignment process will revolutionize your approach to sales and disproportionately increase your close rate.

The Science of Lead Handling

Integrate your sales and your marketing so that the entire process feels natural and the car buyer doesn't want to leave.

Optimizing Performance

Think differently about your advertising campaigns. Think differently about your people. Everything can be improved.

Dealership Clarity

Track absolutely everything. Know return on investment for every salesperson, lead source, and advertising partner.

The "Feedback Loop"

Having a transparent feedback loop will help you continuously improve your advertising campaigns, your sales process, your average close rate, and your lead sources.

The "Open" Online Journey

Simplify the online customer journey and flood your dealership with hungry buyers.
